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Facade of the house – Simple tips for choosing the coating

Facade of the house – Simple tips for choosing the coating

The facade of the house is one of the first things people notice when they walk past it. That’s why it’s important to choose flooring that matches the style of the house and is also functional.

Here are some tips for choosing the right cladding for your facade:

1. First, consider the style of your home. If you live in a modern apartment, for example, you may want to opt for a cleaner, more minimalist coating. If your home is more traditional, you may want more classic and sophisticated flooring.

2. Secondly, think about the functionality of the coating. Do you want it to be just beautiful or do you also want it to be weather resistant? If your facade is exposed to rain and sun, for example, you may want to opt for a more resistant coating.

3. Last but not least, consider the cost of the flooring. There are options of all prices on the market, so choose the one that best fits your budget.

Types of Coating

When it comes to cladding the facade of the house, there are several options of materials and finishes that can be chosen. In addition, each type of flooring has its own advantages and disadvantages, which makes a choice even more difficult.

However, with a few simple tips, it is possible to choose the ideal coating for your home.

The main types of coating for facades are stones, tiles, bricks, and panels. Each of these materials has its own characteristics and offers different benefits.


Stones are one of the most used materials for cladding facades. They are extremely durable and offer a rustic yet sophisticated finish.

In addition, the stones are resistant to weather changes and do not require a lot of maintenance. However, they can be quite heavy and cost a little more than other types of flooring.


Tiles are another popular material for cladding facades. They are lightweight, easy to install, and available in a wide variety of colors and styles. In addition, the tiles are durable and offer good thermal and acoustic insulation.

However, tiles can be quite porous and require some maintenance periodically to prevent stains and other damage.


Tiles are small blocks of glass or ceramic that can be used to cladding facades. They are lightweight, weather resistant, and do not require a lot of maintenance. However, inserts can be quite fragile and cost a little more than other types of coating.


Bricks are extremely popular to use on facades because of their durability and unique beauty. They also offer good thermal and acoustic insulation.

However, bricks can be quite heavy and cost a little more than other types of siding. Additionally, bricks require some maintenance periodically to prevent cracking or other damage from weather or adverse weather.

Technical Aspects of the Coating (Milling, Dry Joint, & Adhesion)

There are some technical aspects that must be considered when choosing a coating for the facade of your home. One of the first is milling, which is the process of removing the surface layer of the coating, usually to improve adhesion.

The dry joint is another important aspect, as it is the way the coating attaches to the surface. Adhesion is another crucial factor as it determines whether the coating will stay in place or not.

Coating x House Style (Architecture & Design)

The cladding of the facade of the house is one of the most important elements for the composition of the architectural style. It can be used to give a touch of elegance or sophistication, as well as to increase the feeling of coziness and well-being.

Therefore, when choosing the ideal coating for the facade of your home, it is important to take into account the architectural style of the residence.

One of the main features of the architectural style is the way the lines are laid out in the building. However, other elements are also considered, such as the color and material of the coatings.

Here are some tips on how to choose the ideal coating for each type of architectural style:

Traditional Style: constructions of this type tend to have a more balanced composition, with straight and proportional lines. Therefore, the most suitable coatings are those that also have these characteristics, such as hydraulic tiles and natural stones.

Contemporary Style: this type of style often abuses crooked and irregular lines, thus creating a sense of freedom and originality. The ideal coatings for this type of construction are those with irregular geometric shapes.

Tips to Simplify the Choice of Coating

With so many options for facade cladding available on the market, choosing the ideal one can become quite a difficult task. However, there are some tips that can simplify your choice.

First, it is important to consider the style of your home. If it is more traditional, you can opt for more classic coatings, such as stone or wood. If your home is more modern, you can bet on more innovative coatings, such as glass or metal.

In addition, it is important to take into account the climatic conditions of your region. If you live in a place with a hot and humid climate, for example, it is important to choose a coating that is resistant to humidity and high temperatures.

If you live in a place with a cold and dry climate, a coating that is resistant to low temperatures and weather will be ideal.

Finally, it is important to consider your budget. As there are options for coverings for all pockets, it is important to choose the one that fits in your pocket.

With these tips in mind, it’s easier to choose the ideal coating for your home’s facade!

Define your Main Need: Protection, Thermal/Acoustic Insulation, or Enhancement

There are three main reasons for covering the facade of a house: protection, thermal/acoustic insulation, or enhancement. Each of these goals requires a different type of coating.


It is the main reason for covering the facade of a house. The coating protects the structure of the house against the weather and harmful agents such as moisture, rain, sun, and dust. In addition, it also prevents the proliferation of fungi and bacteria.

Thermal/Acoustic Insulation

Another reason to cover the facade of the house is thermal/acoustic insulation. This is especially important in regions with extreme hot or cold weather.

The coating prevents heat or cold from the outside from entering the house, keeping it more comfortable. In addition, it also prevents outside noise from being transmitted into the house, providing greater tranquility and peace.


Facade cladding can also enhance the home, making it more beautiful and attractive. Some coating materials are nobler and can give a more luxurious appearance to the house.

Other materials are more neutral and can be used in any type of building, valuing it regardless of architectural style.

Understand your Climate: Wet/Dry, Hot/Cold, and Identity which Material Suits you Best

– Whether you live in a humid or dry climate, the best coating for the facade of your home is glass. Glass is a material that does not absorb moisture from the environment and therefore does not suffer from mold or mildew. In addition, glass is a material that reflects sunlight, which keeps the house cooler in summer.

– Whether you live in a hot or cold climate, the best coating for the facade of your home is stone. Stone is a material that is thermally insulating, which means that it keeps the internal temperature of the house more constant, whether in summer or winter. In addition, the stone is a material that is very resistant to weather and temperature variations.

The homes offered by Bahria Town Karachi 2 bring you the best options for your façade of the house.

Choose a Color that Matches the Facade of the House and Brings Balance to the Overall Composition

The colors of the facade of the house are important not only for the style of the house but also for its well-being. One of the ways to choose the right color is to think about what you want the color to convey.

For a more sober and traditional tone, you can opt for neutral tones such as beige, white or gray. For a more modern and relaxed look, shades of blue and green are great options.

In addition to color, another important aspect when choosing the coating for the facade of the house is the material.

The most popular materials are wood and stone, but you can also opt for glass, metal, or ceramic cladding. Each material has its advantages and disadvantages, so research carefully before choosing.

A final tip is to think about lighting the facade of the house. If it is well-lit, you can opt for more vibrant and flashy colors. If the lighting is poor, neutral tones are a great option to not overload the facade.

Analyze the Maintenance and Cleaning Possibilities Offered by the Coating

When choosing your home’s facade cladding, analyze the maintenance and cleaning possibilities that the product offers.

Look for products that are easy to clean and don’t require a lot of maintenance. Thus, you will have a coating for the facade of your house that will give you much less work.


Choosing which coating to choose for the facade of the house is not an easy task. However, now you know which parameters should be analyzed when choosing.

So, define the style you want for your facade, check your budget, and get the project of a completely renovated facade off the ground.

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