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Advantages and Disadvantages of Plane Table Survey

advantages and disadvantages of survey

At first, we should know what is surveying or land surveying, then you can know the advantages and disadvantages of survey.

Surveying is a system, craftsmanship, and study of realizing the earthbound or three-dimensional places of focuses and the differences and edges between them. These focuses are for the most part on the outside of the Earth, and they are regularly used to set up maps and, boundaries ownership, areas, for example: building corners or the surface area of subsurface highlights, or different purposes required by government or civil law, like property deals. Plane Table Surveying is a graphical strategy for overview the field perceptions and plotting are done one by one. It is basic and less expensive than theodolite study. It is generally reasonable for little scope maps. When you think for a survey, you may see the advantages and disadvantages of survey.

Meaning of Plane Table Survey:

Plane table Surveying is also known as plane tabling which is a strategy for reviewing where field-work and office work are done all the while on a plane table. The field perceptions are taken and recorded next to each other on the sheet fixed upon the plane table and a map of the region is gotten. The utilization of field-book is absolutely eliminated. If you want to know what is surveying, the knowledge of the Plane table survey can help you. It is generally appropriate for the survey of subtleties between stations which have just been fixed by theodolite or some other exact strategy for surveying. It is regularly utilized for little and medium scale mapping of similarly huge zones where incredible exactness isn’t the primary thought, for example, for topographical surveys. There have always advantages and disadvantages of survey. The equipment basically required for plane tabling is a plane table or drawing board with a drawing sheet and is mounted on a tripod stand and an alidade which gives view and a straight graduated edge.

Highway surveying is known as road construction surveying which is a most popular and special type of land surveying usually directed by government agencies during the planning stages of any highway road development project. And for this survey, a construction surveyor is generally involved in the allocation process for the highway. This needs a survey of the existing country to find the best route such shortly for time and also a transaction cost saver. Plane table survey is used in road construction surveying. After knowing the advantages and disadvantages of survey, you can easily start the survey.

Advantages of Plane Table Survey

Plane Table Survey have many advantages rather than its disadvantages. Following advantages of Plane Table Survey you can see when you do this.


Accessories Used in Plane Table Surveying:

The accessories are needed for the survey are:

Disadvantages of Plane Table Survey

Here some disadvantages of plane table survey are noted below-


Every kind of work have a good side or a bad side. Like that advantages and disadvantages of survey is very common to occur. Plane table survey is a graphical strategy for studying in which both the hands on work and plotting are done at the same time utilizing a plane table. The fundamental preferred position of plane table surveying is that the topographic highlights to be mapped are in full view. So before starting surveying, you have to read the advantages and disadvantages of survey.

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